Saturday, May 26, 2007

Appendix: Miscellaneous material

"They are greedy SOB's who are tripping over quaters to make a dime."

I love Mark Cuban, but I think he's wrong on this one (that the record industry can be saved by selling downloads via ATMs):

WSJ today (5/30) has an article about the total lack of audience at (comScore says "Too low to be measureable"). Reminds me about how Mercury Milan's radio channels had an AQH of 3 people... and about how Tide's elaborate message boards have a total of about 20 posts, most of which are critcizing the product and recommending competitors. (I used to tell people, "I'm a Tide user, but I'm not going to join a Tide user community..." Apparently I am not alone!)

Good article on Seventies rock LPs:

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